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"sn sanyal organic chemistry pdf download" is about the book, "Sanyal Organic Chemistry", by S.N. Sanyal, A Practical Approach. The book is an easy-read with Q&A at the end of each chapter to make it more accessible for students who are studying in class or otherwise not reading on their own. The author provides clear explanations and examples of organic chemists' reactions to help you understand them better and avoid common mistakes that you might find yourself making when following the text at your own pace. The book also provides a reading checklist to help you fill in the gaps that you may have left in your knowledge. The aim of this book is to provide a clear understanding of Sanyal’s "A Practical Approach" to Organic Chemistry. The student will be aided by an extensive glossary and Q&A at the end of each chapter which make this approach suitable for use when the student is studying on their own or in class. Asking questions from these questions will enable the student to check their understanding of the concepts at hand and will give motivation towards self-study. The Q&A at the end of each chapter provides students with enough information to understand the material at hand and will act as a guide for them when they are studying alone. The book is written in two parts, which provide an easy-to-follow overview of the fundamental concepts of Sanyal's A Practical Approach. The first part provides an overview of the key principles that the student will need to know for this book; these principles are then given in more detail in Part Two. The explanations given here are based on Sanyal's two major works, "Sanyal Organic Chemistry" (SOC) and "An Introduction to Organic Chemistry" (IOC). Both of these are excellent texts in themselves and if the student is interested in learning more they will find that both texts provide a logical and thorough understanding of organo-chemistry. The foundations of Sanyal's approach, provided in Part One, explain the major concepts used throughout his books. The aim is to provide a clear understanding of concepts such as valency and hybridization which will allow the student to move on to learn more advanced material such as reaction mechanisms and how they work. Part Two focuses on the reactions undertaken by organic chemists with an emphasis placed on explaining common mistakes made by students at this level when undertaking reactions. This is done by taking the student through the various stages of a reaction with questions and examples provided to emphasize the key points. Part Two also serves as a guide for the student in reading Sanyal's A Practical Approach in Organic Chemistry, which provides an excellent in-depth look at the reactions undertaken by organic chemists. The book covers all of Sanyal’s major works, including his two major books, SOC and IOC. Both of these are excellent texts in themselves and if the student is interested in learning more they will find that both texts provide a logical and thorough understanding of organo-chemistry. cfa1e77820